If We Were the Sea

If we were the sea where it’s not about me

We would be more than one, we’d be we

We’d all swim together in mercy and grace

We’d share each one’s journey, not just each one’s space

We’d feel the same joy, as well as the pain

We’d see wounds of our suffering and scars just the same

What if it really could be

you and me as one like the sea

What if our bodies would all work as one

What if we acted like we share the same sun

Would the face tell the hand to cut off the nose

Could the hand touch the beautiful scent of a rose

Would some muscles not tolerate the skin that encases 

The way some don’t tolerate religions and races

Could the heart stop beating while judging another

Would the lungs withhold breath in rage at the brother

Could the ears close out sound of words the tongues spoken

Would the hand beat hard on bones already broken

Would the tongue spew hatred at the fruit of the womb

Could our arms love the wounded out of their tomb

Could the mind and the eyes work together in truth

Would we care to go after the runaway youth

Could the love be the deep that drowns out hate 

Is there ever a chance we could live in that state

Would we splash back the fears and the tears of another

Ignorant and uncaring for the pain of our brother

It wouldn’t be easy, as you can see

For you and for me to be us, to be we

Could the mouth taste bitter and sweet in one bite

Like respecting another’s opinions and rights

Could the feet move forward while faced backwards to run

Sharing shoes with another’s feet blistered by sun

Would those in a hurry slow down and wait

Could those who move slowly never be late

Imagine for a moment, you and me as the sea

Imagine for a moment how alive we would be

Joined together as one, Oh hear this plea

We would easily do the work of the sea

Our waves like arms locked together, so strong

Not one appears weak, we move each other along

Gentle waves would spread peace like a brush on the sand

While powerful waves change the lay of the land

Some cause erosion unearthing new beauty

We’d fulfill our purpose and not out of duty

Imagine what could be with us as the sea

We’d move every direction and reach every shore

If we were the sea, you would include me

We’d all have value and a purpose to be

No longer will one of us feel alone

When we share the same sea as our home

We dive deep unafraid of the darkness there’ll be

When we’re gathered together as one with the sea

By the light of the moon together we will shimmer

In stillness reflecting our Maker’s glimmer

The living expression bursting through darkness at dawn 

Bringing light to the world when the “me” is all gone

Our power joined together could heal our land

And love now united to walk hand in hand

I think you get what I’m saying by now 

Am I only dreaming, Oh please tell me how